A&M vs. Lady Bears

On Monday night I went to the A&M/Lady Bears Basketball game in College Station. Paul didn’t want to go, so I just went by myself.

I had a great seat, up in the Upper Level. There were a few Baylor fans around me, so at least I wasn’t completely by myself! I was on the front row, so my seat was perfect for being able to see the whole game without someone being in front of me.

I will tell you that the A&M fans were loud the whole game! They sure do know how to make A LOT of noise–

But, I could never go to A&M or be an A&M fan because they have so many chants, songs, movements, dances, etc. they have to know….it was crazy what the yell leaders were doing!

(Sorry that one is a little dark)

The 1st half of the game was pretty good–Baylor had a really good lead for the first 6-10 minutes….the 2nd half was a nail-biter. The score was back and forth the whole time (typically within only a point or two)

But, Baylor pulled it off and they won!

I’m glad I went; I had a great time and even saw some people that I knew!



Today I ran 5 miles without stopping!!  I did it in about 55 minutes—it wasn’t really that bad. Once you hit about 3 miles, your legs go numb anyway, so what’s 2 more miles?!

This is what I look like after running 5 miles!!  (A little bit of crazy hair)!!

February 25, 2009

Exactly three years ago TODAY we arrived in Illinois to start our “camp life” at Great Oaks.

Exactly three years later TODAY we are back in Texas.

Wow–How much your life can change in three years!

(I miss our “camp family” terribly—especially Ember and Shannon)….



Bluebonnet 5K Run in Bastrop


When we moved back to Texas, I was determined to keep up with my running!!  I had done so well in Illinois (after, of course, my small setback in September)–so I was NOT going to fall behind. We’ve lived here for almost 3 weeks. I can successfully say I have run about 4 times a week since we moved here. I usually do 2-3 miles every time, except for 2 weeks ago when I ran 4 miles (but I haven’t done that again….yet).

I also knew I wanted to another 5K run. I did one back in January (when we were here on vacation), so I wanted to do one in February, too. I drove over to Bastrop this morning (at 7:45, after not getting back until from the game until midnight).

Anyway, I just randomly found a 5K run that I wanted to do. So, I did it this morning….

I ran my best 5K time ever!!


I have only one picture to prove it because I was by myself so no one was there to take pictures for me….

Bluebonnet 5K Run T-shirt

I’m very tempted to do a 10K in March! We’ll see….

I’ve already mapped out a 5 mile run to do this week….maybe by March 9th I can be up to 6 miles….

Here are some pictures from the race (that were taken by the photographer)!!

I was trying to get past the two little boys in front of me–but I didn’t make it! But, in my defense, they just started running when we rounded the curve to come into the finish chute–they didn’t run the entire time, so they still had more speed to burn off!

I don’t know what is up with my face in this picture….

(And, apparently, I run with my thumbs pointing straight up! And, no, that does not mean I’m Aggie)!!


I LOVE me some basketball!! 🙂

But, let me say, I love to WATCH basketball, not play it!

And, I love high school basketball! This past Tuesday night we went to a High School play-off game (at Giddings H.S.) between Thorndale vs. Hempstead….no, we don’t really know anybody that plays for either on of those teams, but Paul went to high school with the head coach of the Thorndale team, so we went to see him coach….even though we didn’t really have an investment in either team, we cheered for Thorndale, but….they lost. 😦

Last night we drove to Huntsville to watch the Giddings Lady Buffalo Basketball team play in the 3A Regional tournament. They played Lorena, which I was really excited about it! The Derrick family (whom I’ve known for 14 years) live in Lorena and their daughter, Lindsey, is a varsity cheerleader. So, I got to see her and watch the game.

Lindsey and me

But, unfortunately, Giddings lost…..  😦

Giddings vs. Lorena

Giddings has a couple of really good players–#23 and #32–

Giddings Cheerleaders

Two of the girls in our youth group-Victoria and Alexis are cheerleaders

Paul and me

(Maybe Paul and I should stop going to games)….maybe we’re bad luck!

BUT, because I love basketball so much—I just bought at ticket to the Baylor/A&M game on Monday night in College Station!!  🙂  I’m so excited!!!  I’ll be wearing my green shirt proudly in a sea of maroon!!!



Deer Country

When Paul and I came to Texas in January (“in view of a call” to the church) we stayed with the Jatzlau family (from FBC)….they are a very sweet family–they have a 12 year old girl and a 9 year old boy.

On Saturday morning when we were having breakfast together, Holden (their 9 year old) (very seriously and methodically) said, “Paul, HAVE-YOU-EVER-BEEN-HUNTING?” (It was so funny b/c his voice was so serious and he was talking so slow, like Paul was having trouble understanding him….)

Paul replied, “Yes, I’ve been hunting before, but it’s been awhile.” I, however, have never been hunting (and really have no desire to go hunting)….

Well….fast forward to yesterday (February)….

I saw Holden at church and he drew me a picture.

Apparently I have to shoot 4 DEER! And they are in order….1st-4th

(You can click on the picture to make it bigger)

Here’s a close-up to the 4th and (BIG) final deer!

He has high hopes for me, considering I’ve never held a gun, better yet shot one!


Good Morning America

I don’t know what possessed me to do this, but:

Here I am…..

Paul gets to wake up every morning to THIS FACE!!!

Isn’t he one lucky guy!! 🙂

Gotta love the puffy face and the bags under my eyes!!

(I think we had a tornado in our bed last night and my hair suffered the most damage)!

Good thing Paul took the vow to “love me for better or for worse.” 🙂

Thanks for loving me honey–in all my glory….



As a pre-teen/teenager, I remember my mom and I challenging each other to “give something up” for Lent. I remember, more than once, giving up fried food, chocolate or even Diet Coke. (My dad always said he wanted to give up something like: broccoli, cauliflower, or spinach–things he didn’t eat anyway)….

So, for most of my “adult” life I’ve participating in Lent, but it’s always just been more of a challenge, not necessarily for “religious” reasons.

As far as I know, the traditional purpose of Lent was a time of reflection, preparation, prayer, and repentance as you prepare for Easter. It culminates in the celebration on Easter Sunday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Many people, who have actively participated in Lent, will spent 40 days fasting. (It’s similar to when Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days). Fasting is a way of eliminating distractions. The idea of “wanting” something (that we put above our relationship with God) puts a barrier in the way of our Christian walk. Whatever we want more than we want him is a rival, a false god in our heart. Food, drink, cigarettes, television, shopping, all that clutters and burdens our lives, we let go of, in order to make room for God.

I cannot fast from food (I get very tremendous headaches if I don’t eat regularly), so I am going to fast from something else.

For the next 40 days, from Ash Wednesday to Easter, I will not be going out to eat. If you would like invite me (or Paul/me) to go out to eat, I’m happy to oblige (and go with you) but I will not be eating.

Over the years, especially since I’ve been married, I have really enjoyed going out to eat. Paul and I go out to eat a lot–sometimes for an actual “date” but more times than not, it is simply because I do not want to cook and it’s “quicker” that way. Eating out (in and of itself) is not a bad thing, but I use it as an excuse to not provide a well-balanced meal for my family and just because I enjoy it.

So….because I enjoy it, it’s what I’m giving up. It will be difficult because Paul is not giving it up….so, we’ll see how it goes….

Overall, lent allows us to be more focused on God. It is a representation of where our hearts should be focused in the weeks leading to Easter… whether you add something on, or remove something from your life – it’s not meant as a works, more so an act of devotion to God, allowing Him to order your heart, etc..

A “spring cleaning” of sorts.

If you are going to participate in Lent, I pray God’s blessings on you as you prepare, reflect, pray, and repent during this time leading up to Easter.

A Day in the Life of….cont’d.

Do you remember this post from earlier in the week? A Day in the Life of….ME!!

Well, the rest of my week consisted of:

Lunch on Wednesday with our friend, Kelli, and the Lion’s Club! (Sounds fancy, huh?) Kelli is part of the Lions’ Club here in Giddings. I’m still not sure exactly what they do, except I do know they have a couple of large fundraisers during the year and they give away scholarships to different kids in the area. Regardless of whether or not I join the Lion’s Club, it was nice to go and meet some people.

Wednesday night we had family dinner and business meeting at church….oh boy, I haven’t been to a Baptist church business meeting in about 3 years (since 2008)….that’s all I’m going to say about that?!!

Yesterday my afternoon was spent in Brenham…I spent ALMOST 2 hours at Wal-Mart!!!  There is no way to waste time for 2 HOURS in Wal-Mart—I tried everything! I finally went and got a book from the book section. I sat down next to the pharmacy and just read the book. I got halfway through the book before they called my name at the pharmacy–I left the house at 12:50 and I finally got home around 4:50!!

Today I was hoping to go running this morning, but it’s raining….so, we’ll see!!



We Had a Steamin’ **HOT** Valentine’s Day

In Illinois we had a gas stove/oven….

(You can see it in the left corner)

The door of the oven didn’t quite shut, so we had to “bungee cord” it to the microwave (that didn’t work) above the stove. The oven also didn’t work very well. You had to turn the right burner on for the oven to “catch” and the fire to come on and heat the oven.

In order to cook in the oven, you had to put the temperature on about 450-500 and cook everything for about 30 minutes longer than normal. So, if you were cooking a pizza for 12-17 minutes, it would take about 30-40 minutes….

It was a pain, but we got used to it!! 🙂

Well, in our new apartment we have an electric oven/stove. Definitely different. I’ve used the oven before (I used it on Monday to make muffins) but I haven’t used the stove yet….

Well, last night was NOT my night….

I was going to cook some chicken on the stove top. I turned the burner on, put some olive oil in a pan and threw the chicken in. In our trailer, you could put a lid on it and come back in about 15 minutes or so to “check on it.” So, that’s what I did here….I went back into the bedroom.

In about 5 minutes,

Paul yelled at me from the living room: “Honey, are you burning something?”

Me: “Uuummm…..no.”

Paul: “Well, there’s smoke in the room.”

I walk in the living room/kitchen and there’s smoke everywhere!!

I immediately opened up the front door and lifted up the windows–

There was smoke everywhere (our apartment is pretty small)!

Pretty soon, ALL THREE smoke alarms were going off!

(Good to know, they work)!

Well, here’s the end result:

Looks good, huh?!  🙂

The apartment was smoky for quite awhile….

Lesson learned: this stove cooks much faster! Do NOT walk away from the stove….and, the oven, cooks at the appropriate temperature and for the right amount of time–who knew they could do that?!

Needless to say, we did not have chicken for dinner….



A Day in the Life of….

A stay-at-home-wife!  🙂 I love it!!

When I went to join the library last week, the lady I asked me where I worked (so she could put a phone number for the information sheet). I told her that I didn’t work. She wrote on the card “Unemployed.” I wanted to tell her, “Lady, I’m not unemployed; I just don’t work. There’s a difference.” (But I restrained myself)….

So, that’s it. I’m a “stay-at-home wife.”

My dad’s first question was to me, “Why don’t you get a job?” Well….because I don’t have to. I will, if I want to, but I don’t have to. My mom commented, “Her job is being the youth minister’s wife.” My dad’s reply: “You’d be a better youth minister’s wife if you had a job!” (The man has spoken).


I tackled a mound of ironing that needed to be done….

Walked around in my comfy house shoes…we have concrete floors, so you always have to have something on your feet–otherwise your feet hurt!

I rode my bike to the bank and to the library

I made muffins for our neighbors (just as I way to say hello)

I also went to Brenham last night….I’m going to be going there every Tuesday for Weight Watchers. They also have a Wal-Mart, so I guess that’s where I’ll do most of my shopping there, too.


I put this picture in here because I wanted to remember….today I ran 4.1 miles–that’s the farthest I’ve ever run–and I did it without stopping!  🙂  And, the best part, I did it outside!  Today it is 64 degrees outside. Our high is supposed to be 70! Even after I finished running, I continued to wear my shorts/tank top! It was wonderful!!

Today is Valentine’s Day! Paul and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, so today we are sitting at home. I’m on the computer and he’s playing with the Direct TV remote control. That’s right-we’ve got Direct TV! We’re living the high life now!